New 3-D Map of Dark Matter Reveals Cosmic Scaffolding
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I love the dark matter paradigm — What is also really interesting is the concept of dark energy which can be envisaged as an energy that is essentially ripping the universe apart from the outside and is needed to account for the energy mass proportionality of standard models using dark matter to constitute the missing (mass/energy) from the big bang. I personally had a strong inclination that dark energy based theories may be some of the first theories that may actually account for why entropy exists universally and without variation!
Dark matter/energy is an observable phenomenon that seems to defy the until-then useful mathematical models of science. I like your entropy theory, but could it not also signal the frontier of where mathematics and dealing in whole numbers as a convenient tool to explain physics breaks down? ie: mathematics/whole number theory is a beautiful tool to explore ‘local’ phenomenon, but breaks down at some point. After all, mathematics, dealing in quanta uses an abstract “infinity” (defiantly non unitary) to underpin many calculations?
…or, did we just agree?
Ok… now I’m carrying on a conversation with myself.
I see now that you’re not picking holes in scientific method, but rather saying that as entropy is a ‘law of thermodynamics’, then why not employ it as we would the ‘law’ of gravity. Beautiful.
Well you may have been having a conversation with yourself but you didn’t fail to progress it beyond the point that I could have…. on the other hand the concept of entropy being applied as a law is very interesting since there is really no observable constant of entropy. e.g. at what rate does an oxygen dimer loose the energy in its single covalent bond in a vacuum? or put more simply what is the rate at which diffusion will occur in a vacuum and how is this influenced by the properties of the materials and or the properties of the vacuum (being only the property of existing in this universe with its set of constants)
Some one pull me up on this I know my ignorance and imagination are shining through on this one!
There’s a pleasant ironic challenge in your final sentence, and you’re correct: ignorance and imagination are fertile when exploring the boundaries.
For instance:
I know not what a ‘dimer’ is, but never-the-less I’m surmising you’re referring to the bond that binds O^2 (?).
Science has so far assumed that entropy is a result of physical ‘laws’*… but in a relativistic universe, are you saying that entropy could be elevated to the level of a physical force? ie. not causal?
*correct me if I’m wrong, I last formally studied science in high-school.
Anyway, I should stop adding comments when I get back from the pub, as I’m doing now, but I’m enjoying the banter.
Yes I am say exactly that entropy may be a property (or force) rather than a result of the net action of other forces, due to the effect (as yet too sublte to be understood or measured) of the dark energy that encompasses the universe.
Actually, entropy in our universe is a result of quantum bubbling from the myriad “Planckton” in our ocean of space-time ๐
Arr, shiver me timbers.
I’ve listened to quite a bit of Dark NRG in my time; some of it is pretty good รขโฌโ seems to fit very well amongst the intersecting manifolds of energy where our perceptions of reality seem to emerge from… well, mine at least.