Category: Visual

Fractals: The Colours Of Infinity

Arthur C. Clarke (and others) on the Mandelbrot Set:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /]

“Also, I am told… I have never tried the experiment myself… that when certain illegal chemicals are ingested, you experience visual hallucinations strikingly similar to some of the patterns of the Mandelbrot Set.”

Spotted in the credits: “Sound: Ray Brotman” 🙂

How many intros?

Simpsons are known for their variations in their intros. I have often wondered how much time and money this goal has cost them in the long term. Sure, it would take yonks to create an individual episode, but not being able to replay the same intro as every other show does, has gotta hurt you at that last minute before release.

Here is one that represents what our reality actually is:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="300" wmode="transparent" /]

A palaeontologist would know…



So, flash developers, what is your quote/budget for this job???
Music Rain
Talk about API. Nuts.


[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

“i dont really see why its amazing. watched the first 20s then skipped bits to find the cool part – never found it.”

“Everything is better with an attention span.”

Pimp my ride

Pimp my ride.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

The wisdom that the interface is the bottleneck.

Guys, we all know it’s hard to find original, stylish t-shirts that every other bloke isn’t already rocking. Check out these sites and their large ever-rotating ranges of artist-designed tees.

Nice Produce
Nice Produce, based in Melbourne.

Tank Theory
Tank Theory.

Beautiful Decay
Beautiful Decay
Beautiful Decay.

People Like Us
People Like Us Collective, based in Australia. Their motto is “If you don’t know, we’re not going to tell you”.

Interview with Michael C Place (tDR/Build) at Cyclic Defrost

Interesting read for design heads. But, I do occassionally put on a PWEI record. Should I be embarassed?


Lightning shots…

With smoking laws in Brisbane you can’t smoke within 4 metres of a door or some crap. I’ve seen these little ashtrays popping up around the place, looking a little like a whistle on a steam train. I was a little dismayed when I recently had a smoke break at work, and noticed they had installed one of these next to a bin 20 metres down the road, the bin being 2 metres further. The next closest bin is 20 metres the other way. I kinda figured the logical spot to put the ashtray would be between the two bins, after all, most, if not all, public bins have a built in ashtray. Oh well, I might keep flicking a butt or two onto the road in laziness and spite.

A few weeks later as I nipped out of my local bar to toke a smoke, I noticed another new ashtray installation. Wow. So here we are in a known butt piling zone, in front of two bar entries – not the most unlikey spot to find cigarette butts given you can’t smoke inside bars and alcohol 69s with cigarettes – and they’ve done the same effing thing. I felt like I was smack in between the two closest bins, surely the ashtray should be situated right here, if not for the obvious cigarette collection zone, certainly for the purpose of spreading public amenities evenly.

I came to the conclusion that the people who installed these ashtrays were idiots, or were advised by idiots. So I made the following game in the hope that said idiot(s) will find this game, learn from their mistakes, and get a bit better at what they do. In the meantime, you can practice…

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="480" height="300"/]

invaders of the screen

The visual with the aural… and some that are independent of each other.

This is proof that artificial intelligence will create better art than us humans, if they use this world and it’s creations, including us and our creations, as source materials. Whether or not they will do so without these inputs, well, we will find out too.

blue print your brain here


Lightening up close and personal
“Lightning bolt throws photographer in the air” story here from the *cough* Daily Mail.

I’m loving the tangential electric arcs around the palm frond to the left of the main bolt.

Chopper ads

There ain’t no nut who’s gonna get some sense into a nuts head like this nut.

Chopper’s anti-violence against women commercial

Chopper’s Drink driving commercial

The illest motherfucker since Oedipus

You have to make with the clicky for this one. Unlike the last video I posted here it’s not actually my day job to promote this record, but El-P‘s I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead is my most anticipated album for 2007. It also features Cat Power, The Mars Volta and a bunch of rap dudes. Before I heard the song, I was skeptical about this collaboration. Judge for yourself..

EDIT: Be sure to click Sound: Off above the menu on the right so that you’re not listening to the audio stream and video sound at once.

Staying with the skating theme….

Thinking outside the square…

Who needs the ocean.