Category: Filth

The reviews

The official site

The internet is


1 Man Band

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Check this YouTube Link out!

…the game industry just got a new dimension to interactivity! This is very cool

urghfex.. ngg ngg ngg

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Is it…

poor form to post a link to another blog on a blog?

Mac vs PC … southpark version! Funny!

This is a real paper and while the authors are chinese the editors and reveiwers of the paper where in Cambridge… So more rigour would be expected.,….

Why I and O are dull for synaesthetes

From the latest New Scientist

Synaesthesia is a baffling phenomenon. Some synaesthetes experience colours when they read words, others hear sounds when smelling certain odours. But little is known beyond the notion that it involves a mixing of the senses.

Now, the first big study of synaesthesia is starting to change that. David Eagleman of Baylor College of Medicine in Texas has looked at more than 1000 synaesthetes who see colours when viewing some letters and numbers. He found that frequently used letters are most likely to evoke colours, while letters such as Q and X are less likely to do so.

However, Eagleman spotted two frequently used letters that bucked this trend: I and O. He also noticed that the numbers 1 and 0 are often not coloured. Eagleman thinks this may be because these characters are made up from natural shapes that we learn to recognise before mastering the alphabet.

My Donkey just materialised in spades. While I was incorrigably smitten, the beach’s odd lustre revealed to me a well known and little kept secret – donkey’s are always best when they aren’t cantolupsicles. sense

64gb usb drive

Flash drive storage is getting serious. This is rather old news, but still seems to currently be the record. You could put your OS on this little thing and hijack a machine. So machines would be totally blank other than a disk for swap space…

buslink image

It’s only $4800 USD (Nov 07)…

This is ok value I guess: (8gb for $250 USD). There’s quite a few manufactures doing 8gb, but 64gb is… wow.

Alex Ries

23 yr old (at this time) artist from melbourne. Specialising in alien creatures and the like. Certainly knows the bones beneath the skin, and if you click through to some of his deviant art you can see there are technical details of his creatures including internal organs and documentation on how they are imagined to function.

zero G life.

Giant Steps

Giant Steps

Synesthesia in classy 3d polygon world…


those were the days

but this one is worthy !!!



Sometimes you tire of passing on the internet echo chamber news… and then something comes along to inspire you to share again in the twisted hope that some of the kudos will rub off on you. You want to view the last YouTube link fullscreen

Vector Magic

This is a nice converter… just upload your image to the server, and voila…

bitmap to vector conversions the way they should be

check out the comparisons to be sure….

gone is k-rad, now is k-ule.

kuler than u

no idea about colour? well next time you throw together a 20 minute party invite in a text editor,perhaps you could use some of these colour schemes for your fonts…

[couple of months old, but worth logging]

Superstar DJs, bring the noise

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Should be rather good when sweet sixteens…

Loud and clear media

Hey, why not post up my last www site created before i left .au – loud and clear media’s website. driven by XML, and with various interactive noodles and “important” segues.
